Bio-Degradable contra board, plastic free and environment friendly.

Market Your Brand the Sustainable Way
Does your business want to promote sustainability? We’ve got you covered. At Blast Media Inc., we have environmentally friendly alternatives to suit all your printing needs. No matter the scale or complexity of your print, our team has a variety of sustainable solutions to bring you more business and brand awareness.
With a growing demand for environmentally conscious practices, businesses are taking the necessary steps to follow suit. And your business can do the same by choosing products that are designed and manufactured with sustainability in mind. Without compromising on quality, affordability, or durability, brands can market themselves both effectively and sustainably.
Rather than stick with the traditional PVC products, you can choose from these greener alternatives:
- Paper-based adhesives to replace vinyl self-adhesives
- Falcon board to replace ultraboard
- Bioboard to replace ultraboard
- conVerd board to replace foam board

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