Garden Signs for Vancouver Film Studios
Bees at work signs for our clients at Vancouver Film Studios.
Coroplast Signs in Vancouver
You may or may not know how often you are looking at coroplast signs in Vancouver. They are actually one of the preferred materials for signs in a city with weather that can change drastically overnight. Used indoors and outdoors, coroplast signs are a lightweight and cost-effective means of creating visual marketing.
Coroplast Signs
Coroplast signs are lightweight and very versatile. In a city like Vancouver, where there are a lot of visual stimuli to compete with, coroplast signs can be created with bright, contrasting colours, and can be placed virtually anywhere. Coroplast itself is a type of corrugated plastic, and is the perfect material to create signage with. Coroplast signs are made from three layers of thin, polypropylene plastic layers, with the internal corrugated material sandwiched in between two smooth outer layers. This construction makes coroplast signs both weather-resistant and lightweight. They are easy to install and are immediately eye-catching and effective.
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