Light Box Vinyl & Velcro Install @ Comor on West 4th Ave

Spring has sprung, well just barely, and Comor on West 4th in Vancouver is getting ready for their next season. This spring you'll see Comor doing a lot more with bicycles. They will have some wicked FREE after sales service and maintenance with the purchase of a bike. I know we can all agree that everyone loves FREE! Blast Media is getting ready to put up Comor's next featured ad (may we add, we love working with this crew!). Here are some pictures of the light box ad we printed and installed for them this past Winter.
This light box is made of 3 panels with Velcro sewn all the way around the edges. This makes the installation quick and easy and still on point. We were able to print, sew, and install this material in a matter of days at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional print houses.
We will be installing their new featured ad in a few weeks, be sure to go check it out.
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