Matte Black Car Wrap

The 2011 Smart Car is one of the most "egg" shaped cars you will ever encounter; thus making it one of the most difficult cars to perform a wrap installation on. Regardless our attention to detail and perfection was immaculately completed within a 3 day time period. All of the panels were seamlessly applied into place without any wrinkles, blemishes, bubbles or imperfections. The end result? - A wrap job completed so flawless it looks like a paint job.
Judy from Bao Bei lashes group came to us looking for a matte black car wrap & carbon fiber hood for her new 2011 Smart Car. She wanted something that was eye catching for her business, yet still slick to drive around in. With matte black being the new chrome - we were excited to get this install going! We chose Oracal with a matte 3m matte laminate to give it the deepest, matte black possible.
Next was the carbon fiber hood - We went with an ultra 3d textured wrap material to make it as realistic as ever.
The Bao Bei Logo, phone #, and website was made from cut vinyl and added on top of the matte black.
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