Sky is the limit!

This project definitely took the phrase 'Sky is the limit' to its peak! Banners and lightboxes galore, plus more things to come in the near future. We are very happy to have worked on such a large project right smack in the middle of Downtown Vancouver. Westside Church is now at 777 Homer St., across from the Vancouver Public Library. The building that was previously The Centre for performing arts. We printed and installed the lightboxes located on the lower level as well as the tall skinny banner on the side of the building and the wide banner at the top of the building. The 2 backlit banners at the front were also printed and installed by us.
The backlit banners are 11x17 feet and are your normal backlit banner material.
The 'Westside Church' Banner is 140' up in the sky! It's 45' wide x 15' tall.
The tall skinny banner 'W' is 44' tall x 11' wide, and it's also still pretty high in the sky even though we did go higher for the 'Westside Church' one.
We used a 130' telescopic boom lift, for the 2 large banners, and 60' articulating boom for the 2 backlit banners on Homer St.
Just for fun we went up with the installer to help with a few of these. WOW. That's really all we can say to sum up how HIGH we were in the sky. WOW. It's pretty nerve racking up there but we got the job done and the Westside Church couldn't be any happier.
Westside church has weekly Sunday gatherings, and also has classes throughout the week including many kids classes. Check them out here for more info -
There are some great people working at the church and we are very glad to have met them all and look forward to more projects in the future.
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