Super food truck wrap for Super Thai!

Super Thai food came to us looking for a Logo, wrap design, and some company branding. We were more then happy to design, print and wrap this vehicle for them. They came down to our Vancouver large format printing shop and we worked together, with our in-house desginer, to build their dreams into reality. The Super Thai owners wanted the colour purple, a temple, food photos, and a Thai concept. We took all of their wishes and came up with the end product. This is a complete wrap including the service window and the area behind the service window. There are 2 surfaces, one in front of the door and one behind the door. Both surfaces are wrapped to give it a unique, and complete look.
Super Thai isn't only a great food truck to get yummy Thai food from, they also care about our environment! They are an eco-friendly business. The utensils, napkins, and food packaging all are made of compostable material.
The owners are very happy with the outcome of their food truck and we couldn't be more excited to see this truck around town! If you want to check out the truck but more importantly the great FOOD head down to Pacific Blvd and Davie for dinner @ David Lam Park, and Hastings and Thurlow for lunch.
Check their Facebook page for updates on their location. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Super-Thai-Food/503051076410387 Or check out their website here at Super Thai Food.
All of this food talk and all of these awesome food photos are making us hungry. See you down there!
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